Sunday, January 9, 2011

wwdiary - version 4.2.3 posted to Android Market

Activity point calculator updated to new Points Plus system and option to use old one.
Bug fixes around DPA calculator and WP and AP usage.
Please check your DPA calculator for any missing values.
WP default is now 49, you can change this in settings to 35 for old system.
Some minor string changes...


  1. @Tynika you have to add those values to a food item. So enter a food for zero points called water and tack on 1 water to it.

  2. Is there a list of foods/points without me having to input each item?

  3. Thank your for your work and prompt change to the new PouintsPlus. I have all the stuff from WW but having it on my EVO is awesome and keeps me more accountable.

  4. I would love to see a way to export all of the weekly or daily diaries to either an XLS or Delimited text file. It would be nice to be able to print those diaries.

    Otherwise, I am in love with this app. Thank you!

  5. My timing is perfect! I just started WW@work, with the points plus new system. And I found this app that has the new points plus system. It is helping me be more accountable too.
    I plan to learn how to help you edit the foods database. Thanks! Deb
