Monday, February 22, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.1.2 posted to Android Market

UPDATE: Version 3.0, 3.1, and 3.1.1 had bugs in them and only very few people who sit on their update button should have them. :)   I'm sorry for that, serves me right for staying up so late :(

Enjoy weight tracking, everyone!

There's a new preference to tun on/off auto-updating of the point allowance, the what's new in the app is wrong :(

This post gives a good overview of the feature, so I'll save some virtual ink by letting you check it out there.


  1. I can't get the program to update my new daily points value with the update allowance change automatically checked under settings. I enter my info into the calculator and it says it is going to be changed but the old points value still remains. Is there anything I am doing wrong?

  2. The way it is designed is to use the last weight value from last week to do your weight calculation. WW discourages against continual weigh-ins and I've heard typically people weigh in the day before their points reset(at the end of their week). So if you skip ahead on the day to the next "point week" you should see the point value update.
