Sunday, September 19, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8.8 posted to Android Market

Font colors for the weekly and activity points have been darkened on the phones where they appear very light.

Non US locales can now enter in decimal weights.
I understand that many countries use a comma "," and not a period "." as the decimal character when writing numbers.  However, there is a bug in Android where decimal numbers are not recognized according to the locale they are set for.  This means that an edit box that accepts decimal numbers will not allow a comma.

There's not much I can do about this until it's fixed in Android.   So for the time being, I've tried to make all number values that display only show in the format you are used to.   But whenever you have to enter in a decimal number, you'll have to use the period "." character.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8.7 posted to Android Market

In this version:

  • Another fix for the widget update problem.  (Hopefully the last :)
  • Bug fix: leaving fiber blank in food calculator would assume a value of -1  (yipes!)
  • Data files on the sdcard have moved from '/sdcard/com.canofsleep.wwdiary' to '/sdcard/Android/data/com.canofsleep.wwdiary' so don't panic if you can't find the backup files right away.
The last change is to keep in line with Android best practices, and to reduce clutter on the users' sdcard.

Friday, September 10, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8.6 posted to Android Market

  • Fix for Android 1.5 devices not able to open the What's new page.
  • Possible fix for a reported problem where widget would not update.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8.5 posted to Android Market

New widget in this version that should make everyone happy :)
It will display total weight lost or gained by using entries in the weightlog of the application. (nothing too fancy quite yet)

I've added an integration of the new PayPal libraries so anyone with a PayPal account can easily donate.

Fixed some issues with the UK calculations. Please, people from the UK provide more feedback on how accurate the calculations are. There is very little accurate information on how these are done.

Added a "clear all" button to the water/dairy/veg sliding drawer so that un-selecting them once selected will be easier for some people.

Added a new option to "brag" about a weightloss entry on your phone by long-pressing it. Can be sent via email, sms, twitter, or anything else that implements ACTION_SEND. May of you have asked for some sort of reporting options, and this is the first step in that direction.

Like I said before, I'll be working on integration of the PointsList app on the android market. Hopefully we can have things working soon. :)

And as always, donations are very much appreciated. And a HUGE thank you to every who has already donated!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Points List Integration

This is on the horizon. I got in touch with the developer and we will both be working on a method of doing some point lookups from wwdiary using his program, and also adding food items from his program using wwdiary.
