Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Points List Integration

This is on the horizon. I got in touch with the developer and we will both be working on a method of doing some point lookups from wwdiary using his program, and also adding food items from his program using wwdiary.



  1. Sorry for random question... not sure where to ask. How can I set it to carry my unused points over from the previous day?

  2. There is no way of doing that. WW have changed their system and no longer do point rollovers.

  3. I can not seem to find where to update the water/veggie/dairy count. When I update it. When adding a food item, it doesn't keep the values. Do you have a users guide?

  4. See: http://forum.canofsleep.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=89&page=1
