Sunday, August 15, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8.4 posted to Android Market

This version contains a fix for font preference not taking effect immediately, an error report when recalculating daily points, and activity entry error on xperia phones.


  1. Hi, like your app! Just wondering - I have some dificulties when cliqing the icons for water/veg/kalcium, those icons "answer" very poorly to my cliqs... maybe my problem? Have a X10 mini.

  2. Hi I just dl ur app. It seems great but it won't total my points and my weight log won't work. I have an HTC evo. Any info will help, thanks.

  3. @JEN: I don't know anyone with an X10 Mini I can try... I might try to go into a store that has one and play with it. Is that phone on Verizon, ATT, or Sprint?

    @Rebecca: Can you be more specific about exactly what you are doing action wise, what you are seeing where, and what you expect to happen?

  4. Hi All,

    I love this app but I can't get my weight log to work either. I have a Samsung Moment (on the Sprint network) and when I click the weigh in button, it asks me for the date, i click ok and then nothing happens. it's a blank screen.

  5. it's a tiny dialog that i want to fix soon. Scroll the date widget up to show the weight box

  6. hi again, sorry but I have no idea who is providing the x10 mini in the US... I live in Sweden myself. One little thing for the wish list- a tab for weekly notes! Or have I missed it..? THANKS for a nice app :) recommending it to all my friends!

  7. Amazing app, thank you so much!
    I am leaving beer money.

    ...would like an emotions tracker as well for those of us who want more data :-D

  8. Hi I downloaded your app n LG Ally for via droid system. I can enter my food and points values in the diary section. However, it won't let me enter my total daily poins for the day or weekly points. Any suggestions?

  9. Hello,
    GREAT APP! First rate, for sure. For some reason, I tried to lower my point allowance by hitting the pencil, but it won't update it. Even if I change my weight, it says it says that it has been updated, but it hasn't. I hate to uninstall and reinstall. Is there a fix?

  10. @M: In settings is where you set that. Press the phone's menu button when looking at your food log and go to settings, then fill out the point caluculator in settings to set your daily point allowance.

    @Chris H: It does this when you have the auto update point allowance option checked (right under the pencil icon). When checked it will use your saved values in the calculator to calculate your points every time you weigh in so that it updates. If you uncheck the auto calculation should stop and you can manually set your points.

  11. Where is the supplemental information window where you can log the amount of water, fruits and veggies, protein, dairy, oil, etc.? And if I'm missing it, how does it work? Thanks.

  12. In the slide drawer when you are entering in a food item, you can log also what kinds of food it is... dairy, water, veg

  13. The slide drawer??? You mean in the field where you enter the individual food - i.e. I would enter apple (1 fruit)? Or if I enter apple - somewhere it will calculate 1 fruit? Also, when I open the gadget window below the OK and Cancel fields, I've been tapping the veggie, water and cheese icons, but they don't register on the main page? Am I missing something?

  14. The gadget under the OK and Cancel is the slide drawer. When you add a food you can choose highlight those items (dairy, water, veg) and it should show up on the main page, but you have to add them with a food item. You can't just enter them by themselves.

  15. Ahhh - figured it out. You have to hit the drawer again after you highlight! Thanks!! Now, if you could just add icons for oil, it would be perfect. ... but, I'm not complaining - really! It's a very cool app. :-)

  16. It is a very very cool app.. love it..

  17. Heyy I love your app and I just started WW about a month ago. Your app helps me soo much. Although I noticed all the daily requirements aren't there. You just have the water, milk, and vegetables. Do you think you could add on the Oil-2 servings (teaspoons), Lean Protein-2 servings, Whole Grains-1 Serving and daily vitamin. This would help me and your other users soooo much. Thanks!

  18. @Rose: Thanks!
    @Anon: I have plans to get this in eventually, but I'm working on a few other things at the moment.
