Thursday, July 15, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8 posted to Android Market

This version bring some new localization changes for the UK.  The food calculator has been replaced (for uk users) with one that should mirror what the UK WW system does (kcal and sat fat), so hopefully the point calculation is correct.  Please go post feed back on the forum!
I'm still in need of information on how to calculate your daily point allowance, and details about how UK plans work w.r.t. flex points and activity points.

This version also fixes the bug where food calculator values where not being auto filled in when you added an item by the favorites menu.

Also, I'm still working on a fix for Sony Xperia phones.   I have a few email conversations on the subject.  Some Xperia users have posted some workarounds for the time being on how you can get the decimal key back.  Please post on the forums asking for help if you need it.


  1. how do you tally water or veg in your applications?

  2. Those are specified for food items. When you enter a food item, slide up the hidden drawer and select the appropriate amounts for each group.

  3. Wow!! You really did it! :D Now us UK users can finally use this fabulous app!

    From what I remember (I used to do the online UK WW) - we had to enter our height (foot and inches), current weight (stone and pounds) and the amount of activity we did daily... and also our goal weight, which could be edited and also set as 'percentage of final goal weight' - I'm not sure what the formula was for this though... But from what I noticed, the UK appear to get between 1 and 2 daily pts less than our US counterparts, as I tried entering the same details I entered on the UK online site into your app before the UK version was released.

    Does that help any?

  4. Also, just had a chance to test it - I am almost certain that the formula for calculating daily pts allowance needs tweaking - as I have received 2 pts more than I received using the same values I entered in the UK online system. :T

  5. The only thing I've done for UK support is the food calculator.

    The point allowance is using the US formula right now.

  6. Ok - found it. This is the correct points allocations and questions we are asked to get the daily pts allowance - I checked it with my original data and it give the right result. Hope this helps more.

    1) Are you Male? 9 points - Female? 3 points

    2) Are you breastfeeding? No 0 points, EBF 10 points, supplemented BF (with formula/solid foods) 5 points.

    3) How old are you? 16-20 5 points. 21-35 4 points. 36-50 3 points. 51-65 2 points. Over 65 1 point.

    4) How many STONES do you weigh? 1 point for each STONE (ignore the lbs!)

    5) How tall are you? Under 5ft 4 1 point. Over 5ft 4 2 points.

    6) In your day to day life are you; sitting down most of the time? 0 points. Occassionally sitting but mainly standing? 2 points. Walking most of the time? 4 points. Dpoing physically hard work most of the time? 6 points.

    For good health the minimum points allowance is 16 and the maximum 40.

    You can save up points if for example you are going out for a meal but should only ever save 4 points from each day. Use these saved points within a week as you cannot carry them over to the next week.

    Retake the quiz when; your weight drops the next stone down. You go into a new age bracket. Your daily activity levels change. You begin or stop breastfeeding.

  7. Do you get any flex points aside from the carryover points?

  8. I'm having trouble with decimal on my phone now. It is a samsung moment and it used to work but now it appears as a comma

  9. Can you please explain a bit more about what is happening? You press a dot on the hardware keyboard and it shows up as a comma in the box?

  10. This a a fabulous app. Thanks!

  11. i can't figure out how to set my daily points allowance or use the weight diary...
