Thursday, July 22, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.8.2 posted to Android Market

This update adds a daily point allowance calculator for UK users.
Please report any inaccuracies with it.   Also report any unintended changes in the US version of the calculator.

Still on my list is support for rollover points.   Please post any details on how the UK plans work here or in the forum.


  1. Hi,
    I love this product, it has helped me to lose 11 pounds so far. I have it on my Android phone. You asked for feedback on the UK version: I m a UK user and have noticed that the points values for foods on your calculator come out a bit lower than on the weightwatchers cardboard version. The latest update also doubled my daily points allowance, but I have fixed this by setting it manually.
    Is it possible to make donations from the UK?

    Many thanks for this brilliant android app


  2. Grats!
    It should be possible to donate from the uk. Does the donate button not work for you?

    Thank you for the feedback. I will look into the point calculations.

  3. Hello, I love this application. However, I wish that when using the barcode scanner, it would calculate the points for you. I also wish that it included a food list and restaurants for easy access to everything. I would be willing to donate if these features were updated. Hope you have some time.

  4. I do have plans to do that, but it will require a lot of work. Part of that work is securing better, more capable hosting for something that I can afford.

  5. HI have a great application here..just have one concern, I just updated and my points went from 33 to 40...I'm very confused...please help, I use your application every day...I need it!...thank you!

  6. I have noticed that the points in the calculator are coming up low. I am not in the UK. Is there some reason this is happening?

  7. could you please email me your data that you put in the calculator? and what you are expecting, and why you are expecting that.

    There have been some changes to the calc that may have introduced a bug, i need to look at it in more detail.

  8. Is there any way now or plans in the future to be able to enter foods in advance? This way while you are sitting idle you could enter the foods you typically eat and be ready for when you eat them. I think this would be awesome enhancement.
    Thank you for the awesome tool. I made a donation earlier to help out a little bit.

  9. This is a fairly commonly requested feature. I do want to get to it soon.

  10. I updated recently & now I am having issues with my touch screen. I have a Moto Cliq. If I am in landscape, I can not choose the tab so I can indicate how many servings of veggies or fruit. I also have an issue now selecting one serving fruit. Instead it wants to choose all three.

  11. Also, how do I back up the data so I and uninstall the app and reinstall to see if the problem fixes itself?

  12. Hrmm... Let me see if I can set up an emulator with the cliq screen size.

    To backup your data, go into settings and click the backup data option. When you reinstall you should be able to click the restore from backup (not autobackup)
