Saturday, May 1, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.4.8 posted to Android Market

Starting with this version, any time you misspell a food entry and correct it, the error will no longer appear in the suggestion list so long as no past entry is using the description as well.

There will be more improvements in this area in the future. :)


  1. Hi,

    Just installed you app today. Can you please explain the barcode scanner is used for - i scan the item and put in the info, but why bother scanning it?


  2. How do you erase or delete the past week storing all of your information for EVERY week takes up too much memory and slows down phone other than that it works fine please advise

  3. @Heather: My application actually uses VERY little memory, the sql database is tiny and I've been using mine for months.

    Is there a reason you think that this is taking up too much space?

  4. @Anon: If you enter in points after scanning in a food, it will remember them and auto fill the next time you scan that item.

    I plan on more improvements in this area when I'm able to do food lookups based on barcode.

  5. To ddumont
    Maybe it has something to do with my app killers I'm playing around with 2 of them right now. But does the info ever go away from the phone or if I do ww for 3 months all 3 months will appear on my phone until I delete the app

  6. Yeah it keeps info on your phone till the app is deleted. You can reinstall to wipe the data, but it really isn't all that much. Descriptions are only stored once, you can use them 500 times and it will only save a reference.

  7. I've heard @howardforums there is indeed a task manager which is incorrectly reporting and is itself draining. hth

  8. ok thanks for responding. the scan is a feature. thanks.

  9. Possible to change order of entry in calculator? Labels here show cal fat fib in that order. Used to entering them that way I keep messing up with this one.

  10. @MtlGirl: I know food labels work that way but the slide rule in the paper WW tracker lists them in opposite order, probably to attract your attention to high fiber foods, which are more filling and give you a better point discount.

    I have a feeling if I changed it, I'd get a ton of complains from everyone. I'll look into putting a preference for it, but honestly I think you'd be used to it by the time I got around to implementing it :)

  11. First off, great app.
    Any chance we can see a quantity multiplier for the food? So I could enter point value for a food, then change the number I eat during that meal.... just a thought
    Thanks again for the app.

  12. That's on my list. I should be getting to that soon.

  13. Ok, I have a problem. I use to keep a journal of my daily task ie: time I eat breakfast, lunch or dinner, how I am feeling ect. Now its giving me an error message saying I have to add a point value. What can I do to change this? Thank u!

  14. Just enter in a point value of 0 for things that have no point value.

    I changed it because I was concerned that there might be a problem later with blank entries. This may be ok for point values ( I can take a look at reverting this just for points ) but it is a problem with descriptions.

    I needed to push out a fix quickly and wanted to be safe.

  15. Oh ok, thank u! I appreciate u and this app! Keep up the excellent work. Job well done! :)
