Saturday, May 29, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.5.3 posted to Android Market

I've rearranged some of the UI elements in this version.  I needed more room in the point entry screen for the serving multiplier that I'll be implementing later.

I've also reordered the entry of calories/fat/fiber in the food point calculator screen, so be careful the next time you use the calculator. It had been a popular request to change the order, so I did. :)


  1. I love this program. I would like to beable to down load to computer and be able to print some times. I am in for the long 100 pounds and would like to look back at my journey when things get tough so I. Can see what was working before..

  2. Not a bad idea. I'll add it to my list and try to work something out.

  3. Your program is the greatest! I just started this past week. I am just wondering if there is an easier (faster) way to create my food point "list" than to begin from scratch. I have been spending my "spare time" entering food items by going back a month and picking random days and entering food items and their point values. I am just wondering if I am missing something here? Not every food can be scanned.
    Thank you for a great program!

  4. Right now there is no faster way, unfortunately.

    There appears to be a bug with scanning foods and having it remember them, I'm tracking it down.

    I can probably automate this process by introducing a point import function. Another user was trying to come up with something by converting another food database to be used by the program. If he shares his work, I'll include it as soon as I can.

  5. My husband and I use this app all the time. It would be great if you could scan an item and have it give you points value of that food instead of entering in the values manually.

  6. :) Working on that.

    Not sure when it will be ready.

  7. I'm glad you switched the order of the nutritional info entry. Thanks!
