Sunday, June 6, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.6.5 posted to Android Market

So it's finally here: serving multiplier
I know it took a while, but there were tons of changes under the covers that I needed to make so PLEASE if you find a bug, head over to the forum and report it, or post a comment here.

So as you can see here, there is a new textbox on the right.  This box is for the serving multiplier and it defaults to "1".   When you record a food entry, the point value will be multiplied by the number of servings.  All checklist items will be multiplied as well, so make sure that they are set to a value for a single serving.

The bar underneath is a quick slide serving picker that will move in increments of 0.5 from 0 to 4.  If you need more servings, or a different fraction, you can edit the text box directly.

There's also been a fix to the barcode scanner.  It will now remember
the descriptions and point values for items you scan and save.  On next scan, it will autofill all point a checklist values for any saved barcode.

If the multipler is anything other than 1, descriptions will now have an " x #" suffix that will show you that you had # servings of an item.  This text is not stored in the food description, so if you have older entries for  something like "Wine x 2" you'll probably need to edit it.

I'll be working on a way to present a list of all food descriptions so that you can edit or delete them to help clean up older entries that are unwanted.   For now, unless you want to go back and edit each occurance of an item you want to change, you'll see them pop up in the suggestion list if any past day had recorded that entry.

So there you have it.  If you like these changes and you haven't donated yet, please consider sending some loose change my way via the donate button on the right side of the blog.


  1. I would love to donate to for your effort do you have a paypal account

  2. Yes I do. The donate button at the top right will send money to my PayPal account.

  3. Hello,
    I have a samsung moment. After the update the amount of used bonus points is also showing in activity points.
    Ap 20/17 bonus 20/35

  4. Try 3.6.2 on the market now, let me know how it goes.

  5. now it shows up as activitiy points instead of bonus points. i have gone in several times and hit weekly points. FYI. my EVO is being delivered tomorrow!! :)

  6. Ohhh let me know how the EVO is! It looks amazing, too bad it's not on tmobile :(

    Hmmmm... even if you delete entries that caused it to go over and then re-enter them?

    Can you email me your database(in settings) and put a note in there before you send it letting me know who you are so I know to look for it?

  7. you are the best!! I deleted the used bonus points and added them back on. It did the trick! I will backup my app so I can transfer my data tomorrow.
    thanks again!!

  8. I just want to say that this is by far the best WW program I have found to date. You have done a fantastic job. I used to program computer systems to test electronics. I know programming is not the easiest thing in the world and it's easy to see you have put forth a lot of effort and many hours into this program. You have a lot to be proud of! Keep up the excellent work!!I am on disability right nowc but as soon as I can you will be receiving a donation from me. I give you my word on that!
    God Bless and Thanks again!!

  9. Thanks Vern!

    I'm glad you like it :) It's been a fun project so far, I love that I can make programs for my phone.

  10. URGENT: The serving multiplier feature isn't programmed to calculate points correctly

    In Weight Watchers, you don't simply multiply the points for one serving times the number of servings...the calories, fat and fiber are supposed to be multiplied BEFORE points are calculated.

    A good example is one serving of Progresso Italian Vegetable soup calculates as zero points and your serving multiplier also counts two servings as zero points. In reality, two servings of this soup is TWO points.

    Until this is fixed, it will cause a lot of people to eat more than they should.

  11. @Mike, yeah.

    I just secretly put in the ability to store the calories/fat/fiber of an item in the database (this wasn't done before). Now I'm going to hook it up to the calculator and multiplier.

    There will be times when a user only enters in points, then all I have to go on is the point value. I went with that first, there will be an update to this.

  12. First I want to thank you for the app. I have lost 40 lbs and reached my weight goal of 109 thanks in part to your app and just in time for bikini season.

    I have a question to ask: I have wwdiary on my g1. When using the barcode scanner to scan chocolate cheerios box, I noticed that it only entered the product name but no point/food info data. Is that the way is supposed to work?

  13. Grats! There is no service to connect to (that ive found yet) to get nutritional information that has terms I can agree to. So it will only autofill God's you have eaten before.

    When you scan for the first time, you can edit the food name to your liking and enter point info. The next time you scan it will use the name and points you've saved.

  14. I so appreciate the work you have put into this app. I was crushed after joining WW (where they told me ww mobile would let me track via my phone)to find that there was no app for the Droid. WWDiary to the rescue! Thanks for making the challenge of weight loss a little easier for so many of us. Donation has been sent!

  15. :) Thank you for the donation!
