Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bugs Bugs Bugs...

Ok I squashed a few of the reported ones. Thank you everyone for sending error reports and posting issues you've run into. 3.6.5 is up and fixes these 4 bugs:
  • Error starting up when there is no database ( was an error in sql syntax )
  • App though weekly points were activity points... ( i blame copy, paste... )
  • Food names with an apostrophe ( ' ) in them was causing an error when adding a food entry.
  • Some error I saw related to barcodes had incorrect values and would cause a crash.   No one reported this but I saw it reported in some error reports,


  1. Just updated on my Milestone and when I go over my daily point total it appears to deduct from both the activity point and weekly point section. I love this App and this is the first real glitch that I have seen. This has helped me lose 35 pounds over the last 4 months. Keep up the great work!!!

  2. I also love your app, but I am having the same issue on my MyTouch as Tom. I've lost 23 lbs in 10 weeks and I owe all my tracking to you. I downloaded the "fix" but still taking points from activity and weekly points area. Keep up the great work!

  3. Please update to the latest 3.6.5 and then longpress delete the incorrect activity points usage and delete it. it should recalculate. If not, you may need to delete the entry that caused you to go over and try again.

  4. Activity points and weekly points still both being used please fix this an awsome app

  5. Hello,
    I had the same problem on my samsung moment. I deleted the foods that caused me to go over and then added them. If fixed the problem. I hope this helps.

  6. I am also having the same problem with points being deducted from both activity and weekly. If there is something I can do to fix this I would appreciate it. I am using the G1 if that helps. I love this app. It has helped me loose 17 pounds in 8 weeks. Thanks so much.

  7. I've tried deleting the food that put me over and re-entering it, but it still substracts from both. I had 2 activity points available and 35 weekly... I went over by 3 and it shows that it took 3 from both at the top. It is correct in the daily log though.

  8. With new update on Droid I can no longer make food entries in landscape mode.

  9. I updated to 3.6.5, rebooted my droid, followed the steps above and still have the problem. I'm considering uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that helps. BTW, love this app!

  10. @Anon, did you try making sure you delete any entries for the day (and any day in your current point week) where you went over, then delete any remaining used activity points, then re-add the food entries that you deleted?

  11. I am running the correct version of the app and this problem is still happening to me as well. Points are being deducted from both columns.

  12. Are you able to access the files on your phone's sdcard from your computer?

  13. @Cheryl and Anon:
    Can you download version 3.6.6 and try the new "Restore..." option to restore an autobackup?

    Choose the item with the highest 1st number value.
    it should be something like ""

    Did that help at all?

  14. Note: you will lose recent data since that database was backed up...

  15. I saved my db, uninstalled, reinstalled and then restored the last backup and it works now. Didn't think to try just restoring the backup first so not sure if just doing that would have worked. Thanks!

  16. ok, well at least it's working for you now :)

  17. Is. It. Possible to change the keypad for points to be a 10 key?

  18. Point calculator will calculated negative points. Shouldn't zero be the lowest? Example, all bran fiber drinks of 0 Cal's, 0 fat and 10 grams of fiber equal -1points....

  19. Probably a good idea. I wasn't counting on people drinking treebark shakes :)
