Friday, November 26, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.9.7 posted to Android Market

I've gotten a few reports from users about how if they set their weekly point allowances higher, they would still only ever be able to use a max of 35 weekly points.  This issue is corrected in this update.

Also, some additional work around barcode scanning is underway, and some of the work is being moved out in this update.  You shouldn't see any changes yet, but if you do see something wrong please let me know.


  1. Downloaded this version on my Android Hero and it deleted all of my Favorites and history. Months of weight history and all food history lost. This sucks.

  2. Weight watchers just launched a new program with the points...will you be changing to the new system?

  3. Downloaded this new version and it deleted all of my history. Months of weight data and all favorites are gone. Restore did not work. back to square one. This sucks.

  4. will you be changing the layout since the new program has been introduced?? I love your app! I will feel naked without it

  5. @David: I'l really sorry about that. Can you post some more information about the sequence of events that led to this data loss?

    If you could head over to the forum and start a thread on the topic, it will allow me to more easily communicate back and forth with you. I'd like to identify and solve the problem here so others do not have the same issue ( and you don't run into it again in the future )

  6. @jennifer, @Aja: Yes, I'm currently working on redesigning the calculator. :)

  7. Awesome app. I cancelled my online WW for this app.

    One request - if you do update to the points+ method, can you please give us the option to use the older version of ww (with the calorie method)? I'm sticking to the old version, since I'm not a fan of the new more complicated points equation. Your app is the primary reason I'm able to use the old version.

    Thanks again!

  8. I'm excited for the pointsplus app! I religiously used the points ww diary app of yours and feel lost without the new one! Do you know when the new one will be ready? Thanks for your hard work!

  9. I don't have an ETA. But I'd check the forum for updates.

  10. I'm fully impressed with you, Canofsleep!!!
    Thank you a billion times for THE best app I've ever DLed!

  11. I am grateful for this app. have you noticed that ww counts points in a new way, calculating protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber, now. is an update coming soon with these new calculations, and allowing more points per day?

  12. Thank you so much for this app and all the work you put into it regularly. This is by far the best app and allows me to do ww with out subscribing to their monthly fees!!!

  13. I cannot figure out how to use the tracking of Water, Fruits/Vegetables and Dairy. What am I missing?

  14. @Anon:

  15. Looking forward to the update with the points+; I'm going to a meeting tonight to find out what it is all about!
