Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New weightlog enhancements

Now you can track weight goals by long-pressing on a weight entry and setting it as the start of your goal.   Every entry since the start of the goal will display the loss(negative numbers) or gain (positive numbers) since the start of the goal.

What do you think?


  1. Thanks for this update. When will it go in?

  2. Good work!!! I luv it and will soon donate! Thank u all is appreciated for ur hard work and effort. U didn't have to do it but u did. May God continue to bless and use u to help others. I find this so much easier to use than tracking with paper. So convenient!

  3. Thank you so much for this App!! I brag about it daily and use it everytime I need to log my progress!

  4. You might consider updating the activity to calculate calories burned like some of the training apps. Example: I walk for 2 miles in 30 minutes. Knowing my weight, the time and the level of the workout you can estimate calories burned and convert that to activity points.

    I would also like to be able to see my daily calories, fiber and fat intake. Charting it would help me understand if I am eating healthier.

    Lastly, it would be great to be able to track blood pressure, etc for an overall picture of health.

    Currently I have to use 4 applications to do all this.

    I am very happy with this application but would like to see it expanded to help us get a better picture of our health and eating habits.

  5. Great app, definitely worth some payment for it. I just wish it had the option for UK users as we use stones/pounds and calculate points differently. Still, great app.

  6. I love this app! I just got my Droid last week and this was one of my 1st apps. I use it daily and it makes tracking so simple and quick! And tracking is one of the key to success. Thank you for developing this.

    Key favorites:
    Save prior entries to display in drop down.
    Add'l info and setting goal start in weight tracking.
    I LOVE that point remaining is displayed on whole screen.

  7. The weight goal tracking is a great addition to a wonderful app. It adds a new dimension of motivation. Thanks! Donation will be on its way in a moment.

  8. This is the most used App on my Moto Droid. This new feature just makes it even more useful and even more motivational. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  9. Thanks everyone!

    I'll look into all of the suggestions :)

  10. A graph for weight loss would be great. Just a simple line graph would be awesome.

  11. I love this app!
    I was wondering if there is a way to set your goal weight, and if you've incorporated maintenance in anyway yet?
    I love the set goal start, because it helps me stay motivated by seeing how much I have lost, but as I get closer to my goal, I am starting to wonder what comes next and how I will maintain after I get to my goal.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  12. @Justin: Many people have requested this, and I'll be looking into graphing soon.

    @absolut: The way I intended it to work was once you reach your goal, you would set your current weight as the new goal start. That way you would see progress or maintenance on your weighins after that.

  13. So will the daily point allowance adjust accordingly once you've reached your goal? If not, is there a way to maybe add a 'maintenance' feature of some sort?

  14. Right well, hopefully in the future I'll get to adding a maintenance mode option in preferences. It is on my list, but I haven't gotten to that yet.
