Saturday, April 3, 2010

wwdiary - version 3.2.9 posted to Android Market

This version has sharper images in it for higher resolution devices like the Nexus One and the Droid.

I had to change or recreate some images because I either didn't save the source images, or they were simply lower res images and it couldn't be helped(arrows on the date changer), so those were remade.

This update also upgrades the internal database for some future work I'll be doing with barcode support.

Please leave feedback here on how often the barcode scanner finds the foods you enter.   I'm interested to know how complete the database I'm using is.


  1. Thanks so much for fixing the font issue on the droid. It was impossible for these old eyes to read it after it changed. We love your app and use it every day.

  2. Is there any way to carry a balance from one day to the next (negative or positive)?

  3. Hi, I have been using this for almost 3 weeks now. I love WW. I have lost weight and also lost point allowance, however when I go to change it from 21 to 20 points a day, it says it changes to 20, but when i go back, its still 21. Is there a problem? or something im doing wrong?

  4. @Anon: No, the WW plan in the US doesn't do carryover point values any more. That's what the weekly points (flex points) are for.

    @Ashleigh: It should take effect after your next weekly point reset. Try skipping ahead a few days.

  5. ohhh yes! i see it now, is it possible to change it to take affect immediatly??

  6. I was told by ww that your typical weighin day was the day before your points reset. You can always manipulate your weighin date to be the day before you last reset if you want your points to change immediately. I believe WW does this to discourage frequent weighing.

  7. I am very confused on what you just said. LOL

  8. If you weigh in the day before your points reset, then your new point total will always change the next day if you lost/gained a point. Ww probably recommends this once a week wring to avoid people obsessing over their weight, which is unhealthy.

    You can fiddle with the date when you weigh in if you absolutely want it to happen immediately by entering the weight in the past. That way it will affect the current week.

  9. okay i understand now, thank you!

  10. Good morning,
    I love this app! I was wondering if it was possible to put a password protection on the weight tracker?

  11. Is there a way to track common foods without having to type it in every time? Love the app so far..

  12. Love the app. I really appreciate the work you have put into this. Is it possible to be able to rearrange entries on a given day. For example, I make my lunch the night and also plan dinner for the next day. Therefore I know a day ahead of time how many points I plan to eat for 2 of my 3 meals. I enter this into the tracker for the next day. Now I know how many points I have left for breakfast and snacks the next day.

    However, this results in out of order entries in the log for the day because I entered things lunch, dinner, breakfast, snacks. I would like be able to rearrange them.

  13. @anon: The barcode scanning is one way where you won't have to type.

    I'll be sending an update to barcode scanning later today. But even without barcodes, you only have the type the first few letters of a food before it will try to suggest similar foods that you have eaten in the past. The list of foods you eat will eventually be very large, while I could implement a quicklist, in all honesty I can't see it saving any more than 1 or 2 clicks. I'll think about adding it in the future.

    @Matthew: there currently is no way to do that. sorry :(

  14. I saw this app on a friends Android and fell in love. If you made a version for the iphone and/or a web based version I would pay for it. Any thoughts or plans for this model?

  15. @Anon: I have no plans for an iphone version. I don't own any apple products.

  16. Hello
    Thanks for creating this app, it works great.
    Idea I had and I wonder if its possible to add a graph view for to weigh in amounts


  17. I used the bar code on some Kellogg's higher fiber granola bars......worked PERFECTLY, used it to scan a bag of Okie Dokie popcorn.....while it found the product, it did not display the point information......will continue to use this feature as I can see how it would come in handy in the grocery and in my pantry. Thanks!

  18. Still loving the app..One sugggestion, could you put in a field for serving size and no. of servings that would compute point value based on number of servings entered? That would be very helpful. Please accept my donation..this is too good to be free..keep those updates coming!

  19. @snowwolfjadin: I have plans around future weightlog improvements :) stay tuned.

    @Mary: I've been thinking of doing something like that. Hopefully I can get it in there.

  20. Love the program! Is there an option to enter number of servings after calculation of points so you don't have to enter the food twice if you have more than 1 serving? If not, would be a great option to have! Thanks again!

  21. No not yet, but that's a pretty good idea
